Monday, November 15, 2010

Some Problems in Number Theory

1.  Show that if n is a composite number then n divides (n-1)!

2.  Find the last two digits of the number 5^5^10000.

3.  Is log_10 2 rational or irrational?

4. How many zeros are there at the end of 100!

5. Can the number 111111111....1  (a string of n ones, where n >1) be a perfect  square?

1 comment:

  1. 1. Is false for n=4. 3! = 6, and 4 does not divide 6. One thing does come to mind though, and that is if n is composite and the highest power of each prime factor is 1, it has to be true. due the factorization of (n-1)!
